Other Karate Terms
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Atemi | Strike (Often to distract) |
Barai | Sweep |
Bunkai | Application of Kata Techniques (lit. take apart) |
Bushido | The Way of the Warrior |
Chudan | Chest High |
Dai Ichi | The First |
Dan | Step |
Deshi | Student |
Do | The Way |
Do-gi | Training uniform |
Dojo | Place of the Way, Training Hall |
Dojo Kun | Training Hall Rules |
Gedan | Lower section |
Gi | Uniform |
Gyaku | Reverse |
Hai | Yes |
Hanmi | Half Body, Hips to the side |
Hantai | Opposite |
Hidari | Left |
Hikite | Pullback |
Jodan | Face High |
Iya | No |
Kagami zou | Mirror image |
Kamiza | Shrine |
Karate | Empty Hand |
Karate-do | The Way of the Empty Hand |
Karateka | Practicioner of Karate |
Ki | Inner Power |
Kiai | A loud shout emanating from deep within the body, not just one's throat |
Kime | Decision, focus of power - decisive focus; synchronization of the entire body's energy to a single contact point at the moment of impact |
Kyu | Class (ranks below shodan) |
Maai | Proper distance |
Makiwara | Striking Board (lit. rolled straw) |
Migi | Right |
Obi | Belt |
Rei | Bow |
Senpai | Senior student |
Sensei | Teacher |
Sentei | Selection |
Shiai | Sparring Match |
Shodan | First step, first degree black belt |
Sundome | Stopping a technique just before contact |
Suri-ashi | Sliding foot |
Tai Sabaki | Whole body movement, evasion |
Tameshi Wari | Breaking (Boards, Bricks, etc.) |
Tokui | Favorite |
Waza | Technique |